
Mount and blade lets play
Mount and blade lets play

I once accidentally got some points in trade. All the wood in Battania isn't enough to handle some serious smithing, so those help. For weapons I'd check which gives 3 hardwood, I think a pitchfork is one of them. Once that is cleared you can use the sell all option for armor again. Time for peace and some trading while you search for nobles? I wouldn't sell any weapons while you still have armor to sell. As you say, tomorrow the work will continue.” Turning from the wall both men depart to seek their rest. Tomorrow we will need to replace our numbers, for this war is almost over.” Nodding his head Najun stands up straighter, “You know what is best brother, you have come so far from where we started.” He looks over to Partiyah, “Come back with me now, your bandages are bleeding again, we must have you well rested. But know that these men, they followed you because they believe in everything that we stand for. You must know that the smell will never leave you, nor will the flames stop dancing behind your eyes. The men who I called from their safe homes, trained by hand, only to be led to their slaughters.

mount and blade lets play

When Najun’s shoulders begin to slump again Partiyah speaks, “I remember my first pyer. I have never missed the burning of the pyers.” Taking the arm Najun offers they stand at the walls and pay their final respects. Najun turns and sees him approaching, “Brother, my Sultan! What in Asera’s name are you doing out of your sick bed? Arwa and Alkirya will personally throw me from this tower if they see you out here!” Smiling Partiyah holds up his hand, “Peace brother, the Empress and my surgeon sleep. Partiyah approaches slowly, his head still throbbing where the arrow had almost found home. Funeral pyers burning in the distance cast a glow over Najun’s bent frame.

Mount and blade lets play